The Havas network is a communications industry leader that delivers integrated solutions to leading brands. Headquartered in New York, the network brings together 11,000 experts in 75 countries and is the largest unit of the Havas Group. The agency is built on an integrated structure, including 45 “Havas Villages” around the world that combine digital, creative and media capabilities and teams under one roof to best meet our clients’ needs.
To create Advertising at its best. Ads that work, and sell, and make our clients big. Ads that make you think, or smile, or improve your life. To have the courage to be honest with our clients, because that’s the way for achieving a profound, and solid, and logic thinking. An idea. To look for the truth of the product, because “what you say” comes before “how you say it”. To respect the consumers, because ultimately that’s what we are. To improve ourselves because it’s the only way to improve our work.
Le Nomination in Short List, assegnate ai migliori lavori di ogni Sezione, hanno concorso, all’assegnazione dei premi di Sezione (Mediastar e Primo Classificato). Le Nomination rappresentano quindi i finalisti di ogni sezione e, anche se per questo non riceveranno riconoscimenti, saranno tutte pubblicate con immagine e credit sull’Annual cartaceo Mediastars.
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