This is the digital era. As with all previous eras, those who change with the times, get all the opportunities.
Studio Pandora is a digital media factory. When it comes to designing content for new communication channels and digital media, we are the experts and turning your ideas into reality is our passion.
From development to post-production, we envision and create multimedia solutions to shape your best concepts and ideas, across each production stage.
We are valued by our loyal clients due to our mission of innovation. Solutions that will break the mold. Create stories that excite and inspire our client’s audiences. Here are some of the amazing communication agency as: : Leo Burnett, Armando Testa, McCann, Bitmama, The Ad Store, and many more.
Founded in 2012, Studio Pandora brings together professional creatives who collaborate across advertising, television and film.
Original productions are a natural development for the expansion of Studio Pandora.
We look for stories that are thoughtful, profound, and able to communicate the strongest and deepest values of human nature, while being charming and highly entertaining at the same time.
We are working on cinematic projects handpicked to stimulate and expand audience’s beliefs, from visionary short films to ambitious TV series, passing through explorative Documentary Feature Films. Have a look at the projects below and get inspired with us:
Come and join the Pandora Galaxy!
Le Special Stars costituiscono il premio assegnato ai Tecnici Professionisti per le singole voci di specializzazione professionale relative ad ogni Sezione e sono state assegnate a coloro che hanno ottenuto il maggior punteggio nelle votazioni tecniche di ogni Giuria. Il riconoscimento consiste in un diploma cartaceo e alla pubblicazione di foto e bio della persona premiata nell’albo dei migliori professionisti dell’anno, inserito nell’Annual cartaceo Mediastars.
Mediastars propone di mettere in luce il valore della professionalità di chi contribuisce con il proprio apporto alla riuscita di un progetto di comunicazione.